Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Meat Is the New Tobacco

Excellent column in The Huffington Post today from our friend and author Kathy Freston.
When I think about the effect of animal products on human health, I'm reminded of how quickly we've done a national about face on tobacco, and I look forward to the day when we have a similar apology from someone who promoted animal products.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Family Cholesterol Pool

So while the family was in Durham for my birthday, we had a pool to guess what my final cholesterol would be:

Pre-Diet Cholesterol = 271

Ordered High to Low:
222 - Jim
205 - Brian
180 - Sharon
170 - Leigh
167 - Matt

Post-Diet Cholesterol = 179

And the winner is Mom! With my total cholesterol being 179 she is the closest and wins the prize (whatever that is?)
